We detect various types of pipelines defects
Degradation of initial technical characteristics of objects and various defects of metal lead to formation of anomalies in a normal magnetic state of objects.

These anomalies are registered by our magnetometric systems and further recognized and ranked by their danger degree.

How defects are registered? Press here and learn more. 
Data processing

Data analysis
Modern methods of mathematical processing are used for decoding the survey data including the Wavelet Transformations method.

The software developed by our engineers continuously records, processes and analyzes large data arrays during the field survey stage. This smart and tailored algorithm of data handling significantly accelerates the assessment of the objects’ technical state.

During a field survey an operator puts down comments on the pipeline features and route in the special app on the field computer. Later these comments help us to consider potential influence of external “noise” from on-route obstacles while analysing the magnetometric data collected during the survey.

Ranking detected defects
While data processing the detected anomalies of the magnetic field are ranked according to their danger degree.

Areas with defects of various danger degrees are selected for reconnaissance excavations to obtain a full picture of the general technical state of the inspected object.

To determine the exact nature of the defect, both magnetometry data and information about the pipeline obtained from the Customer in a completed questionnaire are analyzed (steel grade, pressure, diameter, depth, presence of repair structures, tie-ins, intersections with other pipelines, etc.).
Final report
upon survey results

When preparing the final report many factors are analysed, large data arrays are processed collected both during the magnetometric survey and contact NDT in reconnaissance pits. Later they are compared to data from electrometry tests, data from previous inspections, technical characteristics of the object and the pipeline environment.

​The final report includes:

  • List of anomalies with their coordinates and distances from the start point
  • Ranking of anomalies by their danger degree
  • Digital maps with prior agreed marks
  • Diagrams of the anomalies distribution set by their danger degree

  • Residual life calculation
  • Conclusion on the technical state of the pipeline
  • Statements on the results of the NDT in pits
  • Illustrative materials
Final report in a format convenient for you
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